How to crochet the magic circle (magic ring) | photo & video tutorial

The magic circle (or magic ring) is the very first thing that I learned how to crochet. Although it looks more complicated than a starting…


The magic circle (or magic ring) is the very first thing that I learned how to crochet.

Although it looks more complicated than a starting chain, it’s actually very similar. So, good news. If you can make a crochet chain, you can make a magic circle!

A magic circle is definitely the best way to start a circle project like a hat or coaster – because it’s fully adjustable. Meaning, you can adjust how loose or tight the opening of your circular project is, leaving zero to little hole at the start.

The magic circle (or magic ring) is the same way that you start a slip stitch.

I am including a video AND photo tutorial to show you how…

Magic Ring video tutorial

Magic ring step-by-step photo tutorial

Step 1: start by creating a loop with your yarn, leaving a 4-6 inch tail. You can do this around your finger or on a flat surface while you’re learning.

step 2: hold the loop on your index finger with the tail toward the front and the working yarn towards the back.


step 3: insert your hook underneath both the loop and your working yarn, like how you would start a slip stitch.


step 4: yarn over with the working yarn and pull through to bring up a loop.

step 5: now that you have a loop in the magic ring, you will need to add a chain (or more) in order to start adding stitched inside the circle.

In these photos, I am chaining 2 to start working double crochets inside the magic circle.

step 6: now that you have completed your chains, yarn over in order to start your first double crochet (if working single crochets, you’ll only need to chain 1 and a yarn over is not necessary).

step 7: bring the yarn through the loop and yarn over again.

Step 8: pull through the magic circle. Now you have 3 loops on the hook to work your double crochet with.

Step 9: yarn over again and pull through 2 loops. Now you have 2 loops remaining on the hook.

step 10: yarn over and pull through the remaining loops on your hook to finish your first double crochet.

Step 11: continue to work double crochets inside the magic circle until you have the amount needed for the pattern you’re using. For this example, I finished with 10 double crochets inside the magic ring.

Step 12: To finish off, pull the tail in order to tighten the ring. Next, slip stitch into the top of your first stitch. This will complete the circle and you’ll have your first round of your project done – huzzah! Pat yourself on the back for completing your first magic ring!

You should now have a complete circle to start your desired project with!

One final, important note about your finished magic ring

DO NOT cut off the tail until you have finished your final project. The tail is what holds your circle together and will need to be weaved into your project when you’re finished. After it’s been weaved in and secure, you can trim it.

In order for it to be tight and secure, make sure you use a tapestry needle to weave in the tail through and around the very center of the ring.

And that’s it!

It might take you some time and a few tries to get the hang of it, but once you do, you’ll never want to create a round crochet project without a a magic ring!

In fact, whenever I go to create something new and the pattern doesn’t call for a magic ring, I tweak it to make one instead. It makes all of my hats and coasters look tidy and neat, so it’s worth doing.

After you master this skill, you’ll definitely want to check out my favorite way to start a flat project (the chainless foundation).

If you found this tutorial helpful, do me a favor & let me know in the comments!

I like to create the best crochet guides possible, so any feedback you can give me in incredibly helpful to making even more useful tutorials – thanks!


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